Sketchbook Ideas

Sketchbook Ideas - I’m always looking for inspiration to sketch while at the Dr.’s office, at home, watching TV, or anywhere. I found a list online by another artist, and have elaborated on it with some ideas of my own. The best way to get better at drawing is to simply do it! Have fun!

1.    Pair of socks

2.    Object that is moving

3.    Cubist portrait

4.    View from a window

5.    Candle in the dark

6.    Corkscrew

7.    3 Objects from the refrigerator

8.    Box of popcorn

9.    Set of keys

10.  Hand holding an object

11.  Your feet

12.  Yourself as a cartoon

13.  Pattern cloth on a table

14.  Wine corks

15.  Face in a profile

16.  Candlestick

17.  Fictional woodland creature

18.  Close-up of grass

19.  Object 3 times in diff. lighting

20.  Pile of jewelry

21.  Close-up of hair

22.  Doorknob

23.  Bird in flight

24.  Video game control

25.  Pile of yarn

26.  Stack of plates

27.  Tromp l’oeil image

28.  Someone falling

29.  Hung drapery

30.  Water sprinkler

31.  Calm reflective water

32.  Ocean waves

33.  Pile of rocks

34.  Cup of pencils

35.  Hard candy

36.  Fruit sliced open

37.  Vegetable sliced open

38.  Reel mower

39.  Pine cone

40.  Sea shell

41.  Banana peel

42.  Old cabin

43.  Old factory

44.  Flowers in a vase

45.  Simple forms

46.  Farm equipment

47.  Sailboat

48.  People in a line

49.  Teacup and saucer

50.  Cutlery

51.  Bowl of peanuts

52.  Bowl of nails

53.  Bushes or shrubs

54.  Several eggs

55.  Favorite insect

56.  Flower up close

57.  Thumb drive

58.  Exotic fish

59.  Scene from history

60.  Feather

61.  Any detailed machine

62.  Inside a clock or watch

63.  Skull

64.  Apple or avocado

65.  Portrait  of a person of color

66.  Water from a faucet

67.  Creek in the woods

68.  Old shoes

69.  Glass of water

70.  Hand

71.  Scene in a restaurant

72.  Stack of books

73.  View out a window

74.  Your art supplies

75.  Wine bottles

76.  Children’s toys

77.  Person laying down

78.  Person sitting in a chair

79.  Design a typeface

80.  Different types of trees

81.  Objects in a pocket

82.  Game pieces

83.  Caricature of yourself

84.  Pet

85.  Crumpled paper

86.  Old chair

87.  Old person’s face

88.  Stapler

89.  Old radio

90.  Old car

91.  Old camera

92.  Open book

93.  Anything metal

94.  Hammer and screwdriver

95.  Tree bark

96.  Your feet on a stool

97.  Junk drawer contents

98.  Bowl of dried rotini

99.  Fire truck

100.                Buttons

101.                Spools of thread

102.                Nail polish bottles

103.                Hairbrush and comb

104.                Salt and pepper shakers

105.                Bicycle or tricycle

106.                Cowboy boots

107.                Garden furniture

108.                DVD’s